Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The way it was meant to be...

I admit that there are many days when my Type-A personality doubts if I was really meant to stay at home with Emma. Days when I get frustrated that nothing "productive" got done. Days when the toddler melt-downs are too much for my patience. And days when I look at my dirty house, the growing list of things to do, and the pile of work on my desk and wonder what in the world I do during the day.

And then there are days like today. Days when the sun is shining, and I am outside with my daughter collecting sticks. Collecting sticks like I have nothing else to do -- and loving every minute of it. These are the moments that work is forgotten, and the dirty toilet is the last thing on my mind.

I truly feel this is what Heaven will be like someday. Stress-free days of collecting sticks with the ones we love. What a wonderful thought... and promise.


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Oh, exactly!!


Butterfly Mama said...

Amen!!!! Thanks


Jen said...

That's exactly how I have felt with this "bedrest" thing! I know I need to rest for this baby but the dishes are calling. . .and the laundry. . .and the bills. . .

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and so true. I often wonder about those days too, how can I be so carefree on some days and others worrying and stressing over dirty floors? Sun sure does help though! As well as our babies' smiles. I love those days, thanks for reminding me b/c today wasn't one of them!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how perfectly said! In our house it's blowing bubbles. The other day I found myself in the middle of messy living room, piles of laundry to do, just blowing bubbles and giggling like there was nothing else in the world. I love these moments!!!

Glass Half Full said...

Some days I have to bury my type A tendencies too!!!

Mommy Brain said...

I was at the park today escaping from my dirty kitchen and laundry...I met a mom pushing kids on the swings...and she said she was doing the same thing...in the same words, too funny! Sometimes it's good for the mommy and the kids to just stop and enjoy eachother. Happy Warm Weather Weekend!

Carol said...

Good for you!