So after 4 months of waiting it out, the time has come for Brooklyn to get a shunt. We were hoping she wouldn't need one, but her head size is continuing to grow and has reached a point where we need to intervene.
Basically, brain and spinal fluid is slowly collecting in her head, which is causing it to grow at an increasing rate. The good news is that she has never exhibited any negative symptoms due to the slow build-up, but if we don't stop it at some point, there could be complications for her down the road. It is also a good thing that we waited as long as we did because her body is now older and stronger, which decreases the chance for infection.
So the decision was made late yesterday to have the surgery this coming Friday. A shunt will be placed in the top of Brooklyn's head that will drain all the way into her stomach. Jeff and I feel confident that this the right thing to do, and trust that God will protect Brooklyn throughout this major surgery. What a peace to know that He is in control!
So far, it looks like the surgery will be at 3pm on Friday. We ask that you pray for complete success during and after the surgery and that there is no infection or adverse reactions to the shunt. Sometimes, the brain can go into "shock" after the surgery, which could cause seizures, so please pray that this does not happen. We also ask that you pray for Emma and Kendall, as Jeff and I will be at the hospital for about 2 days.
We also found out yesterday that Brooklyn's foot surgery wasn't completely successful, so she will have to have another larger surgery right before her 1st birthday, which means more casting. This was a little discouraging, but our orthopedic surgeon said the serial casting we've already done was completely successful in correcting her knees and her hips. Her feet also look sooo much better, so this is (hopefully) the final step in making them ready for walking! :)
Please know that even though the end result is not what we prayed for, Jeff and I feel God's hands in this, and we know He is still guiding our journey. In fact, God slowly prepared my heart for this news in the last few days, and Jeff is actually feeling relief. Please pray that His peace continues to fill our hearts. We never thought we'd be taking our baby in for brain surgery, but we also feel so grateful to live in a day and age where they have so many ways to heal and help our Brooklyn.
Also be encouraged that our little rock star is thriving and doing all of her baby jobs very well! She is growing like a weed and is smiling all the time. Jeff has even gotten her to giggle a few times! Her personality is really starting shine through, and we are loving every minute of it! :) Through Brooklyn, God has shown us what a precious miracle children truly are, and we feel so blessed to have a renewed perspective on life.
As always, thank you for your prayers!!! We will keep you posted on Friday's surgery.