Friday, April 22, 2005


Well, it has been quite a week. I'm finally recovering from what turned out to be a very tiring string of 7 days -- both physically and emotionally. I started off last weekend flying up to Baltimore, MD to spend time with my great friend (and fellow partner in pregnancy), Cara, and her hubby, Bryan. That was the fun part. It was the workdays in Washington DC that followed that really kicked my butt. These types of trips certainly aren't as stressful as the daily craziness at the office, but it's the constant "meet and greet" -- both day and evening -- that took a lot out of me. Plus, I was finally realizing how much my life was going to change once our little miracle arrives.

Not that I regret anything, it's just very strange to think that my main responsibility will be an adorable little baby. Of course, there will be moments I'm sure "adorable" won't be my first word choice, but overall, it's foreign to think about doing something so meaningful full-time. Sure, I'll still be working a little, but nothing like I do now.

It's funny how God works. Honestly, the first part of my trip was pretty hard. I'll admit, it was a blow to my ego to introduce all of my business contacts to the new editor of APPLIANCE (the man that will be taking my place). I had to smile and be happy for him, all the while remembering how hard I worked and how much I have sacrificed to get that title. But I have to tell you that by the end of the trip, it was clear to me there was no way I could have that title and be a mom -- nor do I want to.

Jeff and I originally made the decision for me to step down as editor because we knew it was what God wanted us to do. Now, more than ever, I know this is what I want too. I've had my "career" and now I have been blessed with the opportunity and challenge of a lifetime -- raising one of God's children. How could I ever turn that down?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you Lisa. I also know that being a full time mom is what God wan's me to do. Thank God I'm able to do that. Sometimes I miss working but nothing has been as fulling as raising my kiddies.We're catholic and use NFP so I'm sure I'll be doing this for a long time.: )