Thursday, March 20, 2008


Overall, a pretty good day...

  • Achievement #1: Mommy ventures out of the house with both kids during the crucial lunchtime/naptime window, and everyone survives.

  • Achievement #2: Emma falls asleep BEFORE 2pm for the second time this week. This is HUGE since putting her down for a nap has recently become a 2-hour Olympic sport.

  • Achievement #3: Kendall rolled over from her back to her tummy for the first time, and then decided that wasn't fun enough. So now she's barrel-rolling across the floor.

    Now if only I could top it all off with some pizza or chocolate! More on that later...

    jen e. said...

    Lol! Sounds like things are looking up! Can't wait to witness the barrel rolling! I can just see Emma thinking it's funny and joining her!

    Aunt Nenni

    Anonymous said...

    Wow #1 alone is a HUGE success! See, two under your belt now, you're a pro!